Author Topic: Music From Your Jersey  (Read 11011 times)

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Offline Tourista829

Music From Your Jersey
« on: September 24, 2010, 10:16:31 pm »
FYI, I was in my local bike shop, the other day, and they told me about a cycling jersey, with waterproof speakers, built in. Not quite sure how they did it, but you barely know it is there and it actually works well. I think the speakers are removeable, when you wash it. Here is their website, if anyone is interested I hear they are coming out with new jerseys soon. There are times, it would be nice to have music, when riding and it is a safer alternative to using earphones.

Offline DaveB

Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2010, 10:08:58 am »
I must be dreadfully old-fashion but I think the best "...safer alternative to earphones." is to avoid the audio entirely and enjoy your surroundings.  I'm fond of the saying: "If you want all the comforts of home, stay home."   ;D

I wonder if next year's jersey has a built-in TV/computer monitor and keyboard.

Offline waynemyer

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Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2010, 01:26:46 pm »
Interesting idea.  Regarding comforts of home, I have a long bike commute (36 miles each way) and often wonder about safe ways to listen to the news, catch up on podcasts, or do a chapter of a Pimsleur course.  Seems like a reasonable solution.  (user:waynemyer)

Offline aRoudy1

Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2010, 03:26:51 pm »
It doesn't appear it would be too comfortable for recumbent riders.

Offline paddleboy17

Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2010, 01:21:37 pm »
I have always found bicycling to be a deeply spiritual experience.  I cannot imagine a need to listen to music, talkshows, or other audible entertainment while I ride.

I would think anything that impairs with your ability to listen for cars is not a good idea.

Offline tonythomson

Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2010, 05:22:16 am »
Here in the UK there is a campaign to get people to stop listening to their music while cycling AND walking as they (whoever they are) say that people are not aware what is around them and the accident rate has gone up accordingly.

I also prefer to hear what is going on around me be it approaching vehicles or the sounds of nature.  But then I'm a bit old now.  However, I can understand the guy who is commuting daily using the time for catch up, where as my riding is purely fun or touring.
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Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2010, 09:47:39 am »
While I would never listen to music, etc., while riding because I too enjoy the sounds of nature and want no distractions, there is at least one iPod dock for cycling:

Offline DaveB

Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2010, 10:13:25 am »
I have a long bike commute (36 miles each way) and often wonder about safe ways to listen to the news, catch up on podcasts, or do a chapter of a Pimsleur course.  Seems like a reasonable solution.
As long as the volume doesn't block out traffic noise I expect listening to music is safe enough.  However, listening to news or, worse podcasts and lessons, where you really need to concentrate on the audio, strikes me as a dangerous distraction in the same league as talking on a cell phone while riding.  And, yes, I've seen riders do that.   

Offline staehpj1

Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2010, 08:33:02 am »
I don't generally listen to music or audio-books while riding, but I will say that riding across the monotonous and lightly traveled roads of eastern Colorado and Kansas I wished I had something to listen to.  If I had my iPod along at those times I definitely would have used it.

Offline pptouring

Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2010, 12:31:17 pm »
Well I guess I am going against the grain! I listen to music on every ride, unless I am touring with my wife and/or in a very heavily congested area (pedestrian or auto). The way I look at it is like this; if someone traveling at speed hits me from the rear, it will not matter one bit if have music playing or not.  I also find the laws that forbid people from wearing headphones (listening to music) stupid! What if I was deaf? What about the music that is blasting from most autos? They sure as heck don't hear what is going aorund them! What about all the jackasses texting and/or talking on their cell phones? I find these people to be the worst!!!

Nah... me listening to some music on my commute home is not the problem. I've been riding in the Tampa Bay area for over 32+ years listening to my music, but that is me. :-)

Offline Tourista829

Re: Music From Your Jersey
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2010, 01:35:51 pm »
Here Here Robenne I agree with you. I would say riding in Florida has it's challenges. I hope you and Petra are doing well. I learned about the bike jersey from little Jason at UBC.(who isn't so little) I thought it might be a safer alternative to riding with earphones. I posted it, in the hope, that it might be useful to someone. I did not think it would arouse the strong reaction it has. Where I commute to work, there is very little nature to enjoy, just loud trucks, suv's, cars, irrate drivers and an occassional police officer. (they don't like cyclists either) I don't always ride with music, but find the music soothing and at other times energizing. I can say without question, I am more relaxed, have more energy,and feel healthier than many of my colleagues who drive to work.