Author Topic: WHY RIDE A BIKE?????!  (Read 16731 times)

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Offline shorecycler

« on: November 12, 2010, 04:38:57 pm »
So, in my public speaking class I have to present a persuasive essay and I came to the conclusion that if I can convince at least one person in the class to want to ride a bike, it'll make the world a better place (or maybe even the scene in NJ) so.. I wanna hear what you guys have as far as clever ways of persuasion to get the average joe on a bike. The obvious being that its fun, good exercise, and saves money on gas but if I could throw some creativity in there, myself and the teacher alike, would really love that. WHAT D'YA GOT PEOPLE OF ADVENTURE CYCLING??
Enjoy the Ride!

Offline rvklassen

« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 08:24:33 pm »
Or... why I commute by bike.  [I'm still not sure why we're crazy enough to plan a long distance tour...]

Riding a bike provides exercise which improves the mind's ability to function [there's scientific literature to back that up].  Usually, riding a bike is relatively low stress.  Whereas driving offers no exercise, and generally more stress. 

I figure it's pretty hard to own a car for a year at less than $2-3000, if you include all maintenance, depreciation, insurance, gas,...  You can get a lot of bike for that.  We're not car free, but we're down to one car and two drivers.

Then there's the sublime element of riding a bike, going much faster than walking, yet slow enough to actually see the world as you pass it by.  A well-adjusted bike is an amazing machine.

Oh and one more reason:  I have an ambition to be the crazy old man who still rides his bike year round - to do that I have to start off by being the crazy middle-aged man who rides his bike year round.  I'm not likely to start when I'm old.

Offline Westinghouse

« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 04:36:45 am »
Try cycling and camping cross-country. It greatly invigorates you. Notice the heightened mental clarity and the improved emotional and physical functioning. Enjoy it. Depending on your age it lasts only a certain length of time after tour's end and gradually declines. We humans are not really all that compatible with the super easy life. We really do need extended, challenging, rough-stuff, physical activities to feel right. Transcontinental cycling / camping is one peaceful way to meet those needs, to see the world the way it was meant to be seen, to get plenty of healthful exercise, and to supply the bodily organs with plenty of oxygen through long-term deep breathing. One medical report I read said such long-term aerobic exercise can increase the blood's oxygen carrying capacity by as much as thirty per cent. Everywhere I have been the most curmudgeonly people with the worst attitudes have been those who always sat around, got no exercise, watched too much TV, and shunned healthful invigorating outdoors activities.

Besides that, cycling cross-country is a very cool thing to do. When you cross your continent by bicycle you are somebody who is seen and not just another nameless faceless blank who pulls up in a car for another tank of gas. People notice you. If you are the socializing type it is a good way to meet new people and make friends.

Offline geegee

« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2010, 10:33:41 am »
Cycling brings life to a more human scale and pace. While the development of the automobile has increased the range and speed of reaching our daily destinations, it has also made our cities less livable in exchange. If people used the bike as a yardstick they would probably live within 5 miles of work and one or two miles from all the services/shopping they need daily.

Cyclists turn into pedestrians faster than drivers can. This makes for a more social urban life, as it is while walking that we truly interact with the city. If you have not seen it already, watch the documentary “Contested Streets”. Here’s a good clip on the Copenhagen experience. You’ll realize that encouraging more people to use bikes daily can restore balance in our cities.

If people went grocery shopping on a bike and its carrying capacity in mind, they would buy less quantities but go shopping more often. The practice of buying in bulk often leads to waste, and making do with food that is not fresh. Cycling daily or every other day to the supermarket for the fresh produce or meat component of your meals not only gives you regular exercise, but a healthier, more varied diet.

Offline tonythomson

« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2010, 05:58:21 pm »
I thought abut this for a long time and yes to all above but I'd just tell them "cycling is just brilliant and they can get all the buzz they want.  Don't believe me - then give it a shot.  Money back guaranteed"  Well maybe not the last bit. 

And you  get to p+%#* off red necks - unless you live in that part of the country  :D
Just starting to record my trips

Offline livewombat

« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2010, 06:29:32 pm »
Go to the gym and pay someone for the privilege of riding to nowhere?  -- or run your errands and commute by bike, and essentially get paid (in savings on gas and parking) for the same exercise?  Not a hard choice for me.

Offline shorecycler

« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2010, 07:58:08 pm »
GEEG! That was awesome! Not to mention a very convincing argument.  Thanks for the help everyone
Enjoy the Ride!

Offline whittierider

« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2010, 09:55:35 pm »
My own primary reasons:
  • prevent headaches that otherwise result from my childhood neck injury
  • I have a lot less trouble with spring alergies if I keep riding through the winter and keep my resperatory system in better shape
  • keep blood sugar under control better (my body produces too much insulin, and extremely quickly, making low blood sugar a much more common problem if I don't keep riding)
  • keep better attitudes
  • sleep great
  • Age is no excuse to let my weight get above what it was in high school.  A regular workout is not optional.  It is for everyone, not just young people.

So why not a gym membership?  Expensive!  And you can't work out at the gym while doing necessary transportation at the same time.  How about other sports?  If it's a team sport, you can't do it without the team, and may have to schedule the field, court, etc..  Jogging?  Hard on the joints.  Treadmill?  Have you ever seen anyone keep it up?  The novelty on all home exercise equipment quickly wears off and then it sits unused.  That also goes for my trainer.  It's so boring I can only stand to use it when the weather is too bad to ride and I'm going crazy.

People have all kinds of arguments against riding, and, for the most part, there are good answers to them.  For example, cycling can be plenty safe for the skilled, experienced cyclist.  You can get far more control than the inexperienced realize, and the statistics are good.  As for transportation time, if I can get somewhere in 15 minutes in a car, chances are it'll take me 18 on my bike.

I grew up in another country, and when I and my family came back in 1974, I could not believe how absolutely spoiled rotten Americans are.  Not only were their cars huge, but I was appalled to see all these cars with only one person in them.  Where I grew up, people considered it too expensive to take the car unless at least two or three people were going.  A person by himself took the bus.


  • Guest
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2010, 02:53:55 pm »
Then there's the sublime element of riding a bike, going much faster than walking, yet slow enough to actually see the world as you pass it by.  A well-adjusted bike is an amazing machine.

"Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything."--Charles Kurault

Offline Tandem4Rider

« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2010, 01:34:24 pm »
I commute because I get to park my bike in my classroom.  I tell my students 1) I have the clsoest parking spot among the faculty and staff and 2) since I shower when I get here, I'm the cleanest one in the building.

Offline shorecycler

« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2010, 04:49:05 pm »
haha you've got a good point. thats awesome! ive done that at the college, although its not my class, my professors dont seem to mind if my bike sits in the back. gotta love it.
Enjoy the Ride!

Offline litespeed

« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2010, 08:26:42 am »
Here are a few reasons to ride a bike: It's a relatively cheap form of recreation and travel. It's not a weight bearing exercise and is easy on the joints and bones. Bicycle touring is genuinely challenging; there is always something to deal with. You get a much more closeup view of your surroundings compared to car, train or plane travel. People are invariably amazed at anyone pushing a loaded touring bike 100+ miles a day and covering great distances. It rewards perseverance.

Offline Shane

« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2010, 04:42:02 pm »
The simple answer is why wouldn't you ride a bike...

See above and below answers for details:)

Offline tonythomson

« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2010, 01:24:51 pm »
Try this link for the Brits reason for cycling 73 answers should get something from us lot

Just starting to record my trips

Offline varider

« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2010, 11:45:01 am »
Riding a bicycle opens up a whole new geography to you.  You'll seek out new routes of travel and places to go just for bicycling and in the process discover beautiful places and sights you would not see otherwise, many in your own back yard.