Author Topic: Is it ok to travel solo...  (Read 28348 times)

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Offline Stevenp

Re: Is it ok to travel solo...
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2011, 07:22:02 pm »
Hey Ronnie!

Nice to see other virgins out there. I too am planning a trip to begin later this year and I'm a week into educating myself. I don't even have a bike yet, being i'm not a biker persay. But I am SO excited for this journey and it is so helpful to hear all of these stories and tips from others who have already taken the challenge.

This is like a whole new world to me. I had the same question about going alone. I have someone who has said they are committed to joining me, but they are also on a 3 month limit due to children. Just the thought of having any kind of a limit is a bummer. I've even considered the thought of going around the USA. For now my plan is to go down the Pacific route, turning left at SD and doing the Transamerica.

What brought on this ambition for you Ronnie?


Offline ronnie421

Re: Is it ok to travel solo...
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2011, 09:33:12 pm »
@Alex... First and most importantly, congrats on you're victory over cancer! Thats the best new of all! The NEXT best news is that you completed the TA and had a great time.  I am from the Corpus area.  Not TOO far from you.  And I am prepared, if needed, to go alone... at least mentally. Its great to hear success stories like yours. It helps keep the fire hot under my butt, makes me want to hurry up and get out there! Maybe we can ride together one day. We can take a day off and take a day cruise.

@Steven...  My ambition came from my early days. I'm 44 now, but when I was in my early 20's, I did alot of riding.  I did a few short trips, three and four nighters, but never did the real thing. My riding buddies (at the time) and I had always said that we were going to do this.  But, we all got married, had kids, got busy with life and the ride got put on the back-burner.  Now, those same buddies are jealous because I am planning my ride, but they are still stuck in their busy lives. (I guess sometimes divorces can be a blessing in disguise, LOL) Now, I am determined to fulfill my dream and complete the grand-daddy of all tours... the TA. I was really looking forward to doing it in 2011, but sometimes things dont work out the way we want them to.  So, now I am looking forward to 2012.  I'm about a year and a half away.  Very excited! Just dont wanna wait anymore.