Hi Steven,
I am 45 years old and have worked in an office and sat in a chair for the last 10 years. I was 40 pounds overweight and out of nowhere, I got the idea to take a long bicycle trip. So in October 2009 I started training and by June 2010 I weighed 220 pounds (down from 260) and cycling 120 miles a week. I felt like I was twenty years younger.
Looking back on the trip, it was without a doubt the best thing I have ever done. I spent 24 days living on the road, going from town to town, and seeing the country. While I did not go across the country, I did go from Pennsylvania to Florida (1,473 miles). I camped out at times, and others, I stayed in hotels. Some hotels were low rent, and others a few steps from the Atlantic Ocean. I didn't care where I stayed, I just took it as it came.
I am planning my new trip for 2011 - from Pennsylvania to Canada. I think the international flavor will be interesting. Western Pennsylvania and New York will offer good camping and some alligator-free rivers to jump in (that's another story).
On my trip I e-mailed photos back to the guys in the office. The printed them and posted them on the wall in front of my desk. I still look at them every day. I quiver at the thought that many times I almost found a reason not to go - wife, kids, mortgage, bills, and a car with 370,000 miles on it (yes, my bike is worth more than my car). I am glad that for once I was irresponsible and took the ride.
Be prepared for your trip. Have money and equipment that is in good shape. Going on a budget is OK, but things seem to usually cost more than anticipated. Take pictures and keep a journal.
PM me if you have any questions. I learned a bunch on my trip.
Live your dream before somebody else does.