Author Topic: Cross Florida Greenway Connection to the East Coast?  (Read 16668 times)

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Offline ducnut

Cross Florida Greenway Connection to the East Coast?
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:43:10 am »
I'm looking to ride the Cross Florida Greenway, from west to east. Is there a connection from the greenway's terminus in Palatka over to the east coast?

I've looked at the greenway site and don't see anything listed.

There's a near-identical bridge over I-95, at the ~298 mile marker and straight east of Palatka, like the one over I-75. I'm assuming there's some kind of greenway there.

This is at the ~342 mile marker over I-75 and is signed as the greenway.

This is the bridge over I-95 with no signage.

Offline Tourista829

Re: Cross Florida Greenway Connection to the East Coast?
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 10:57:41 am »
I too was looking for this, last summer and could not find it. I am sure there is a connection. I took Route 207 north, from East Palatka to St. Augustine. The road was very good and I had a two mile area where there were tiny bugs that were a real problem. Luckily, when I rode it in late June, the potatoes had yet to rot. I was told, by a local, the smell in July can be quite strong.

Offline NE2

Re: Cross Florida Greenway Connection to the East Coast?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2011, 09:05:38 am »
That bridge on I-95 is in the Pellicer Creek Conservation Area:
It doesn't seem to be useful as part of a through route.

Offline ducnut

Re: Cross Florida Greenway Connection to the East Coast?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2011, 10:05:06 am »
That bridge on I-95 is in the Pellicer Creek Conservation Area:
It doesn't seem to be useful as part of a through route.

Thanks for the link.

I went down, last Feb, and rode all the singletrack between Santos and HWY 200, just east of Dunnellon. The  western end of the MTB trail terminates at the highway and only the equine trail continues. Supposedly, OMBA are going to continue west with the MTB trail. Next year, I want to ride from Santos eastward as far as I can, on singletrack.