Author Topic: I want do a Pacific Crest ride in Great Divide mode. Will they make a route?  (Read 6178 times)

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Offline kathy

I did the great divide a couple of years ago and it was wonderful - just right for me!
I want to do the Pacific Crest but the Sierra Cascade Route is too much pavement. 

Is there any hope that a dirt equivalent will be made?  How can we encourage such.


  • Guest
Drop a line to Carla Majernik, who moderates this forum. You could use her link in the line just about your post here.

Meanwhile, the Utah Cliffs Loop might suit you.


Offline CMajernik

We have discussed doing a mountain bike route along the Pacific Crest similar to the Great Divide Route. What has stopped us so far is that there is a lot more wilderness along the Crest as compared to the Continental Divide, so finding an acceptable route would be a lot more challenging. And a majority of ACA members want paved routes, not off pavement. So it's on the back burner while we concentrate on our next long distance route, Bicycle Route 66. 
Carla Majernik
Routes and Mapping Program Director

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x218, 406/721-8754 fax

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline nerdwin

Is anyone aware of any forest service roads that parallel this route that might be interesting? I'm thinking about doing Crater Lake to Lake Isabella in June, on my cross bike, and also love the idea of at least 50/50 (road/dirt). Thanks!

Offline Area45

A few years ago some guys on put together a route to follow the PCT as close as possible using as much dirt as possible. Here are a couple links that may help you find some roads to connect a route. Keep in mind that these were motorcyclists so they were able to cover more ground in between services. I don't know how the route will translate to cycling distances.

This is the planning thread with a .GPX file.

This is the ride report with photos and info from the ride.

Hope this helps!

Offline nerdwin

This is great! Thanks for the links.

Offline knolltop

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Good to see us motorbikers were of assist!
:thumbsup:, Area45!
+-+ Michael +-+

Offline Wheelclub

Awesome idea! Been looking for a route for after TGDR. Pavement doesn't sound so good to me!

Offline MrBent

Could be interesting, but as the moderator pointed out, huge sections of the Sierras especially are National Parks and/or designated wilderness--no bikes allowed.  The Rockies are much less regulated in this way--a great thing.
