
Have you used ACA gps maps with the Garmin GPSMap 62s?

Yes! Worked great together too
1 (50%)
Yes! Worked pretty good together
0 (0%)
Yes! Worked okay together
1 (50%)
Yes! Worked poorly together
0 (0%)
No! Wouldn't work, so why try?
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Author Topic: Garmin GPSMap 62s  (Read 6920 times)

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Offline sun4rae

Garmin GPSMap 62s
« on: May 18, 2011, 04:21:23 pm »
Hey All,

Just trying to find out if people have used the Garmin GPSMap 62s with ACA maps and to what degree of success.  The salesman we talked to last night said they're pretty proprietary with their software and was hesitant to recommend using anything but Garmin maps with the unit.

It's the final hurdle for us in deciding to get it or not.


Offline Area45

Re: Garmin GPSMap 62s
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 05:03:48 pm »
I think there's some confusion. The ACA has a .GPX file that can be uploaded to the GPS. It is not a map though. It sits over your map basically. The map is on the GPS. The map that comes on the GPS is either a basemap (very basic info, major roads, etc) or you can put on a more detailed map. Either Topo maps or City Navigator, or both. You have to buy the detailed maps, or you can find places online to get cheaper versions than the Garmin maps. I've only used the Garmin maps, so I can't say how well the non-Garmin maps work. That's probably what the salesman was referring to.

Bottom line, if you bought a 62(csx or whatever) you could upload the .GPX files from the ACA.  If you have any more questions or if this doesn't make sense let me know.

Offline sun4rae

Re: Garmin GPSMap 62s
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2011, 06:54:24 pm »
Yes, I didn't grasp the semantic meaning of it all.  Or how it all really worked.  If they work well together, that's all I really care about at this moment since I'll learn that all once I buy the GPS!  I just didn't want to invest in a GPS that wasn't compatible, but it sounds like they are. 
