Author Topic: Touring weight  (Read 23776 times)

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Offline knolltop

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Touring weight
« on: February 25, 2011, 06:14:57 pm »
Wellllll, finally got around to weighing my gear list.  Ughhhh!

According to the Wii ..............
Bike, including racks & empty water bottles          33.5
Gear, not including water & daily food                 46.9
Total                                                             80.4

I was hoping to be at 40 or less on the gear.

Not sure where to go from here, but it's good to vent!   ;D
+-+ Michael +-+

Offline John Nelson

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2011, 09:45:59 pm »
That's perhaps a bit above the median, but not really very far. You should be okay. Don't stress it if you can't prune farther. Having said that, I'm sure you can prune farther if you want. Without even knowing what your list is, I'm guessing you could eliminate some clothes.

Offline knolltop

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Re: Touring weight
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2011, 05:37:04 pm »

OK, ya'll are welcometo have a go at my clothes list .............

My tour begins 06/01.  Basic route is TA from Eugene to Yellowstone, get up to NT & take it to Manitowoc, WI, NL across MI & Ontario, back on NT around Niagara Falls continuing on it to Conway NH, and down Atlantic to Boston.

Street clothing ..........
   1 short sleeve polypro t
   1 long sleeve poly pullover t
   1 zip-off pants
   1 underwear

Warm weather riding clothing .........
   1 short sleeve jersey (also wearing 1)
   1 cycling shorts (also wearing 1)
   2 smart wool cycling socks (also wearing 1)

Rain weather wear ..........
   1 set rain jacket/pants
   helmet cover
   sealskinz socks
   full finger gloves

Cool/cold weather wear ..........
   windbreaker jacket
   arm/leg wamers
   merino wool sock cap
   merino wool sweater
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 05:44:49 pm by knolltop »
+-+ Michael +-+

Offline staehpj1

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2011, 06:07:24 pm »

OK, ya'll are welcometo have a go at my clothes list .............
I won't nit pick your list in detail.  It doesn't look that bad.  I will say this though...

The items you choose can vary pretty widely in weight so some weight can be in the specific items you choose.  Some zip off pants can be extremely heavy and some pretty light.  All of the ones I find at REI and places like that are both too heavy and too expensive to suit me.  I use some really lightweight and inexpensive nylon ones ( that have a built in brief so no underwear is needed.

The rain gear can be heavy or you can use some light coated nylon stuff, the kind that stuff in a little bag and weigh a few ounces.  I think mine are Sierra Designs.  The rain jacket and windbreaker are redundant so the rain jacket is my windbreaker.  Depending on when and where I am going I may leave the pants home.

I only take one long sleeved shirt and it is a pile sweater.  It is used on and off bike.

I don't use the sealskins or arm warmers and don't care for wool, but that is just personal preference.

I take some light nylon running shorts.  I take two pairs if I think I will swim at all on the trip.  They are used to sleep in, to wear around camp, and to swim in.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 06:53:03 pm by staehpj1 »

Offline John Nelson

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2011, 06:59:19 pm »
I think you've done an excellent job pruning your list. I agree with Pete that the rain jacket and windbreaker are redundant. I have a very light pair of nylon zip-off pants (from REI). They are so light, in fact, that I never feel the need to zip them off, even on hot days and the extra length keeps the bugs off my legs.

Rather than take a separate pair of full-finger gloves, I just take some polypro liners that go under my short-finger gloves.

Check out polyester underwear. It sounds yucky at first, but it's surprisingly comfortable and it dries much faster than cotton when you wash them in a sink.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2011, 10:56:45 am »
Check out polyester underwear. It sounds yucky at first, but it's surprisingly comfortable and it dries much faster than cotton when you wash them in a sink.
+1 Cotton anything on tour is a bad idea IMO and the poly underwear are great if you need to take underwear.  Since my zip off pants and running shorts both have a mesh brief I generally don't take any underwear, but if I did it would be my synthetic under armor briefs.

Offline DaveB

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2011, 01:10:15 pm »
I expect your clothes don't make up the majority, or even a large fraction, of your total gear weight.  Look at youur choice of tent, sleeping gear and cooking/eating gear for significant weight saving opportunities.

Offline knolltop

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Re: Touring weight
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2011, 02:02:48 pm »
True, clothes don't constitute majority of weight, but are significant portion.

Tent is Kelty Gunnison 2 and non-negotiable.  For good or ill, family CFO has decreed no more tent purchases.   ;)

Sleep gear is thermarest 3/4-length & mummy style down bag.

Cooking/eating gear ...........
plastic spoon/fork
cork screw   
plastic bowl      
alum pot/lid   
sockcap as cozy
mini penny alcohol stove
pot support
collapsible cup
small measuring cup for measuring fuel   
4 oz fuel bottle   
wire mesh pot support   
alum windscreen   
emergency food bag   
   5 oz. beef jerky in plastic bag   
   sandwich bag of single-serve condiments & coffee/tea bags   
   ramen noodle packet   
   sandwich bag of trail mix   
   2 instant oatmeal packets   
   6 coffee filters (straining water)   
   2 energy bars   
   few water purification tablets   

+-+ Michael +-+

Offline staehpj1

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2011, 04:36:37 pm »
It really sounds like you ought to be at 40 pounds or less of gear with that list.  Are there a lot of little things that sneaked in without making the list?  Are some of the items particularly heavy?  What panniers do you have and are they heavy?

Offline knolltop

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Re: Touring weight
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2011, 04:54:24 pm »
Gonna reweigh this week.  If results are similar to last go at it then I'll post the whole bloody gear list for you blokes to comment on.
Can ya tell am watching British-made films today?   ::)

I sincerely appreciate all the feedback received so far.  Thanks to all for taking the time to review/comment.
+-+ Michael +-+

Offline John Nelson

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2011, 05:05:34 pm »
I agree that it seems like you have a very lean list, so I'm surprised that it weighs 46 pounds. Are you counting the stuff attached to the bike (computer, pump, etc.) in the bike weight or the gear weight? Do you just have four panniers and a handlebar bag, or you you also have some kind of trunk or rack bag?

Tools and spare parts can weigh a lot. Be sure to list what you have there. Maybe you have too many.

Offline knolltop

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Re: Touring weight
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2011, 12:46:11 pm »
Here's the list ............. please comment away!

Left front pannier                                                                            7.3
Main compartment                        
   eee pc in sleeve & orange drybag                    2.2            
   street clothing in plastic bag            1.8      
   short sleeve polypro t                     
   long sleeve poly pullover t                     
   zip-off pants                     
Side compartment                        
   Documents holder, in ziplock bag         0.9         
        extra maps                     
        emergency contacts                     
Left rear pannier                                                                           7.8
Main compartment                              
   utensils/misc bag                                           0.4
        platypus water container                  
        misc in pill container                     
      push pin                  
      can opener                  
        water purification tablets                     
        silver jon-don multi tool                     
   plastic container bowl               0.4   
        heat barrier                     
        sock cap cozy                  
        stoves w/support rings                  
      collapsible cup               
   opsak emergency food bag            0.9         
        5 oz. beef jerky in plastic bag                     
        bag of condiments & coffee/tea bags                     
        ramen noodle packet                     
        sandwich bag of trail mix                     
        2 instant oatmeal packets                     
        6 coffee filters (straining water)                     
        2 energy bars                     
        water purification tablets                     
   pringles container w/ cook equip         0.2         
        smal measuring cup                     
        4 oz fuel bottle                     
        pot support                     
Side compartment                        
   Toiletries                     1.3
   hair brush                     
   desitin zinc/oxide                     
   razor & shaving cream                     
   sink stopper                     
   toenail clippers                     
Top compartment                        
Rear compartment                  0.5   
   spare plastic bags                     
   tent stakes                     
Sandal attached to pannier               0.5      
Handlebar bag                                                                           4.9
Main compartment                        
   ipod & earphones                  0.2
   cell phone in case                  0.2
   radio                             0.2
   wallet                      0.2
        $$$ & change for showers                     
        drivers license                     
   camera in pack                  0.4
   business cards                  0.1
   small notebook                  0.2
   pen/highlighter/marker               0.2   
   this packing list                     
   voice recorder                  0.2
   extra cassettes                  0.1   
   eyeglass case w/ spare glasses/sunglasses   0.3                  
   bandana in ziplock bag               0.1   
   insect repellant                  0.1
   big blue knife                  0.3
   pain pills                     0.1
   spring clips                          0.1
   chapstick                     0.1
   sunblock lotion                  0.1
Front compartment                  0.3   
   energy food in OPSAK zip bag                     
   big pc chalk                     
   toilet paper & hand sanitizer                     
   small camera tripod                     
   rain cover for bike computer                     
   leg band                     
   water purification tablets                                          
Map compartment                     0.4
   itty bitty plastic compass/thermometer                     

Right front pannier                                                                           7.3
Main compartment                     
   Tool/spares bag                  2.0
        kevlar spoke                  
        hex wrench for pedals                  
        small scissors                  
        spare tube                  
        latex gloves                  
        chain lube, Finish Line teflon                  
        to lube all else, Triflow                  
        tire boot                  
        needle-nose pliers, small                  
        itty bitty mending kit                  
        spare cleat bolts                  
        crescent wrench, small                  
        stein cassette removal tool                  
         mattress repair kit                  
        zip ties various sizes                  
   Warm weather riding clothing            1.3   
        short sleeve jersey
        cycling shorts      
        cycling socks      
   electronics bag                  1.3
        charger cords ... ipod/eee                  
        camera charger                  
        110v to usb plug                  
        multi outlet plug                  
        phone charger                  
        memory stick                  
Side compartment                  1.8   
   bear bag                           
        50' cord                  
        door locks                  
        clothes line w/ attached plastic clothes pins                  
   bag of spare thingys                  
        spare rubber bands                  
        spare bungies                  
        spare velcro strips                  
        spare rearview mirror                  
        spare voice recorder cassettes                  
        spare opsak bag                  
   White bath nylon bag                  
   empty green dry bag
        First aid                  
Right rear pannier                                                                              8.2
Main compartment                     
   tent in purple nylon bag               2.4   
   rainfly in green nylon bag            2.2   
Side compartment                     
Top compartment                     
Rear compartment                     
   alcohol fuel, yellow Heet bottle         0.5         
Sandal attached to pannier               0.5   
Top of rack                     
black dry bag                                                                                 6.4
   rain covers for bags                  
   rain jacket/pants                  
   helmet cover                  
   sealskinz socks                  
   full finger gloves                  
   arm/leg wamers                  
   merino wool sock cap                  
   merino wool sweater                  
Tilley hat carabined to black bag                     
blue dry bag                                                                                   4.9
   thermarest pad                  
   sleeping bag & liner                  
   sleep stuff in pillowcase                  
   sleep accessories in lil black bag                  
      ear plugs               
      eye cover               
   blowup pillow bladder (put in hat)                  
        ground cloth (strapped to blue dry bag)                     
        tent poles (strapped to blue dry bag)                     
caution tranglular flag                     
+-+ Michael +-+

Offline John Nelson

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2011, 01:22:54 pm »
What do you intend to use the crescent wrench for?
Don't take spare batteries. Buy them when you need them (unless they are uncommon sizes).
I don't know what a "silver jon-don multi tool" is, but I hope it is lightweight.
Hammer? What the matter with a rock?

Offline staehpj1

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2011, 02:14:32 pm »
I'll mark a few places where I differ inline in red.  Obviously your preference will be different, but there is a good bit of stuff in the list that is certainly optional

It seems like it would be decidedly inconvenient to have stuff needed to pitch the tent scattered in multiple locations.

I would also note that you can get by with one kind of soap for washing body, hair, clothes, and dishes.

Here's the list ............. please comment away!

Left front pannier                                                                            7.3
Main compartment                        
   eee pc in sleeve & orange drybag                    2.2 Your call, but I'd pass on this one.
   street clothing in plastic bag            1.8      
   short sleeve polypro t                     
   long sleeve poly pullover t                     
   zip-off pants                     
   underwear                     Skip
Side compartment                        
   Documents holder, in ziplock bag         0.9         
        extra maps                     
        emergency contacts                     
        calculator Really?  That is one I have never heard of anyone carrying, other than maybe if their phone had one                        
Left rear pannier                                                                           7.8
Main compartment                              
   utensils/misc bag                                           0.4 Is that pounds?  if so it sounds like a lot.
        platypus water container                  
        misc in pill container                     
      push pin                  
      can opener                  One of the tiny p38 military ones right?
        water purification tablets                     
        silver jon-don multi tool            Huh?         
   plastic container bowl               0.4   
        heat barrier                  Huh?   
        sock cap cozy                  
        stoves w/support rings                  
      collapsible cup               
   opsak emergency food bag            0.9   Probably not necessary      
        5 oz. beef jerky in plastic bag                     
        bag of condiments & coffee/tea bags   Easy to add too much weight here.  I know we usually wound up pitching most of the condiments.            
        ramen noodle packet            Buy as you go.         
        sandwich bag of trail mix            Buy as you go.            
        2 instant oatmeal packets                     
        6 coffee filters (straining water)                     
        2 energy bars                     
        water purification tablets                     
   pringles container w/ cook equip         0.2         
        smal measuring cup               Not really necessary.         
        4 oz fuel bottle               Buy Yellow Bottle Heet as you go and use original container.         
        pot support                     
Side compartment                        
   Toiletries                     1.3
   hair brush                     On long tours I buzz my hair off before the tour and am good for at least a couple months without a brush   
   soap/shampoo         One kind of soap for everything including bath, dish, and shampoo.               
   desitin zinc/oxide         Buy when/if needed?            
   razor & shaving cream      I just skip shaving on tour, but shaving with soap or even just water works fine for me.                  
   sink stopper         I never bother with one.            
   toenail clippers         I have carried one but since decided to not bother.  Worst case the scissors and file on my small swiss army knife will suffice               
Top compartment                        
Rear compartment                  0.5   
   spare plastic bags                     
   hammer            Big waste of weight IMO.
   tent stakes            Use something light like MSR needle stakes and carry in bag with tent
Sandal attached to pannier               0.5      
Handlebar bag                                                                           4.9
Main compartment                        
   ipod & earphones                  0.2I either skip this or use it to read audio books.  In the latter case I use a tiny iPod shuffle.   
   cell phone in case                  0.2Skip the case.  Loose in the handlebar bag or in a ziploc is fine.   
   radio                             0.2 I'd skip this one.
   wallet                      0.2 Use a ziploc and leave most of what is in your wallet at home.   
        $$$ & change for showers                     
        drivers license                     
   camera in pack                  0.4a small one with no pack in handlebar bag might suffice.   
   business cards                  0.1
   small notebook                  0.2Redundant if you have a voice recorder, netbook, cell phone, and camera.   
   pen/highlighter/marker               0.2   
   this packing list                  Why?   
   voice recorder                  0.2I'd skip this especially if carrying a net book.
   extra cassettes                  0.1Not needed, see above.   
   eyeglass case w/ spare glasses/sunglasses   0.3                  
   bandana in ziplock bag               0.1   
   insect repellant                  0.1
   big blue knife                  0.3A small knife is fine.
   pain pills                     0.1Buy as you go unless you routinely are on some prescription med.   
   spring clips                          0.1Skip.  Buy if needed.   
   chapstick                     0.1
   sunblock lotion                  0.1
Front compartment                  0.3   
   energy food in OPSAK zip bag      Buy daily and carry in jersey pocket.               
   big pc chalk               Why?      
   scissors               None or tiny one in smallish swiss army knife.      
   toilet paper & hand sanitizer      Personally I'd skip this one.                  
   small camera tripod         Make that tiny one like 4 ounce Pedco Ultrapod 2         
   rain cover for bike computer      I never felt the need for one               
   leg band               Not needed with bike shorts.  The rare times i ride in my zip offs I just roll up the right leg.   
   water purification tablets                                          
Map compartment                     0.4
   itty bitty plastic compass/thermometer                     

Right front pannier                                                                           7.3
Main compartment                     
   Tool/spares bag                  2.0
        kevlar spoke                  If you are carrying a cassette cracker I'd take real spokes.   
        hex wrench for pedals            If you have to assemble bikes at the airport use it and mail it home.      
        small scissors                  Not a real necessity, but if part of small swiss army knife then OK.   
        spare tube                  One is not enough!
        latex gloves                  I don't bother.   
        chain lube, Finish Line teflon               
        to lube all else, Triflow            One lube only.            
        tire boot                  
        needle-nose pliers, small            Probably can skip.      
        itty bitty mending kit                  
        spare cleat bolts                  
        crescent wrench, small            Never needed one      
        stein cassette removal tool         Either take the kevlar spoke and leave this home or take this and a few spokes.               
         mattress repair kit                  
        zip ties various sizes   Don't go crazy on these or maybe skip altogether.  I have rarely even needed them and when I did I have generally found wire by the road when I needed to cobble something back together.
   Warm weather riding clothing            1.3   
        short sleeve jersey
        cycling shorts      
        cycling socks      
   electronics bag                  1.3
        charger cords ... ipod/eee                  
        camera charger                  
        110v to usb plug                  
        multi outlet plug                  
        phone charger                  
        memory stick                  
Side compartment                  1.8   
   bear bag         Do you mean a bear proof bag or one to hang.  It seems like you have a host of bags, either use one of them or reuse a plastic grocery bag.  I have either used a single multipurpose very light weight bag for this and other functions or just used a plastic bag.                       
        50' cord                  
        door locks            I don't get it, door locks?      
        clothes line w/ attached plastic clothes pins    in addition to 50' of cord?               
   bag of spare thingys   I carry none of the stuff in this bag except maybe some AA or AAA batteries, but only a few.            
        spare rubber bands                  
        spare bungies                  
        spare velcro strips                  
        spare rearview mirror                  
        spare voice recorder cassettes                  
        spare opsak bag   The first one is iffy a spare seems like gross overkill.                     
   White bath nylon bag   bag why?               
   empty green dry bag   dry bag why?   
        First aid                  
Right rear pannier                                                                              8.2
Main compartment                  
   tent in purple nylon bag               2.4   Tent on top of rack in original bag.   
   rainfly in green nylon bag            2.2   In bag with tent.   
Side compartment                     
Top compartment                     
Rear compartment                     
   alcohol fuel, yellow Heet bottle         0.5         
Sandal attached to pannier               0.5   
Top of rack                     
black dry bag                                                                                 6.4
   rain covers for bags                  
   rain jacket/pants                  
   helmet cover                  
   sealskinz socks                  
   full finger gloves                  
   arm/leg wamers                  
   merino wool sock cap                  
   merino wool sweater                  
Tilley hat carabined to black bag                     
blue dry bag                                                                                   4.9
   thermarest pad                  
   sleeping bag & liner                  
   sleep stuff in pillowcase                  
   sleep accessories in lil black bag                  
      ear plugs               
      eye cover               
   blowup pillow bladder (put in hat)                  
        ground cloth (strapped to blue dry bag) I skip ground cloth            
        tent poles (strapped to blue dry bag)In bag with tent.                        
caution tranglular flag      I don't bother.               

Forgot to mention that most people probably carry as little food as they can get by with and do not count the weight in their gear list.  I know that I typically weigh it all when packing for the plane and have no food other than maybe a few power bars and no stove fuel at that point.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 11:27:53 am by staehpj1 »

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Touring weight
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2011, 03:51:30 pm »
This is just way too much stuff--I think some of the responders have done a great job of culling things out.  I met a guy on the Pacific Coast route who carried 12-13 pounds--total.  And he was camping out.  He did however, have to eat in restaurants and fast food places because he carried no stove, utensils or other food stuff--just a few bars. He had no panniers, and carried a light tarp/tent type deal and a modern light sleeping bag.  All this was strapped onto a rear rack in a bundle that looked like about like a large sleeping bag cover. that;s a little lighter than I am comfortable with, but it illustrates what's possible.  It is a lot more fun to ride along with a very light load, though--almost feels like taking a day ride, day after day.  I have found from mountaineering, that you need a lot less than you are tempted to take. The mountain guys I know can go for a week long trip with just 35 pounds or so, and this includes all the food and emergency storm gear, tent etc.  They've got it down to a science.   On a bike tour, the idea is to carry almost no food, because it can be bought along the way.  And, in the event of particularly gnarly weather conditions, you can always get a motel.  Fast and light--that's the way I will try to go from now on.   
May the wind be at your back!