Author Topic: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California  (Read 14583 times)

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Offline tombrogan

Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« on: March 05, 2011, 09:03:32 pm »
Anyone have any experience working with any Co-Motion dealers in Southern California fitting a touring bike?

Offline Tourista829

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2011, 10:51:46 pm »
I know this will not help you, in Southern California, but I purchased a Comotion Northwest Tour sight unsceen. (Did not have a choice) I wanted an Americano but my local Comotion Dealer, in Tampa, Fl. advised me differently. He was right, did an outstanding job on fit, and setting the bike up. I love my bike and it is rock solid with gear. I know two other people who also did it the same way and liked their Comotion bikes too. My girlfriend purchased a Thorn Audax MK3, from the UK, sight unseen, and the fit was terrific. I believe you should call Comotion directly in Eugene, Oregon and get a recommendation. I would also see if Comotion and your LBS would work with you on switching out saddles and other gear when you purchase your bike. You will save money. The only thing I wish we both did, when the bike was being built, was adding a Schmidt Dyno Hub to the front wheel.

Offline aggie

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2011, 11:05:47 am »
I just did a search for authorized dealers in Southern California and came up with zilch.  The closest authorized dealer is in Bakersfield.  I also went to the website of the dealer in Bakersfield and even though they have the logos for quite a few bike brands they don't list Co-motion.  If they don't bother to list it as one of the brands they carry I doubt they would have any in stock (even though the Co-motion website says they are a stocking dealer).  I'd definitely give them a call before I drove 120+ miles to see one.  The next closest is in San Luis Obisbo.  It would be nice to take a test ride but they may not have any in stock.  I know when I ordered my Moots I wasn't able to ride one and had to order it based on recommendations of the dealer.  Co-motion is a good company and if your LBS can do a good fit you should be happy with the fit.  You can always email Co-motion to see it they have a recommended dealer even though they aren't listed as authorized dealers.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 11:16:01 am by aggie »

Offline Spokey

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2011, 08:17:44 pm »
I bought my Americano from a dealer a couple hours away and didn't get a fit.  This is back in 2002.  CoMo had a questionnaire that included some measurements.  My brother bought one at the same time.  We were both pleased with the results.  CoMo worked with us all the way.  My only regret was not getting the S&S couplers.  I think my brother would say the same given he is about to buy a bike Friday to take to Europe.

We visited the factory a year later on the TransAm trail.  That was fun.

Offline DaveB

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2011, 08:22:26 pm »
Very few dealers of any make stock Touring bikes, even if their major brand, like Trek or Cannondale, offers them.  Co-motion is a niche maker and no bike shop is ever going to have a selection of them in stock, and probably not even one.  They are almost always special order items.

That said, unless you have very odd fitting requirements, you can reliably go by their published specs and pick the proper type and frame size or pay a bit of an upcharge and order custom geometry.  A fitting done at any properly equipped and experienced LBS can give you a very good starting point.  

I bought my Co-Motion directly from them and I bought an off-the-shelf frame size.  I "customized" it by buying a separate build kit that let me choose my desired stem length, saddle, handlebar type and width, crank arm length, component group, gearing, etc.  

Offline Tourista829

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2011, 07:20:02 am »
I know Comotion will work with you directly, if there is not a dealer, in your area. They now offer a touring bike with a Rholoff rear hub. I would also consider their 26 inch wheeled model called the Pangea. Coupled with the above rear hub, would make an awesome expedition bike.


  • Guest
Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 09:03:27 am »
I bought my Americano from HiTech Bikes on Claremont Mesa Blvd in San Diego.  The best part of them is that they gave a 10% discount to members of the San Diego Triathelon Club, which anybody can join for $15.  If I were to do it again, I'd buy direct from Co-Motion in Eugene and do away with the middle-person who muddled communications and was constantly trying to BS me.  Of course, 10% is 10%.....

Offline Spokey

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 10:37:08 am »
. . . I'd buy direct from Co-Motion in Eugene and do away with the middle-person who muddled communications and was constantly trying to BS me.  Of course, 10% is 10%.....

We did both.  Most of the interaction was with CoMotion.  The dealer did take delivery and did whatever assembly was needed.  This was a couple hours away so we couldn't have a lot of visits.  The dealer was primarily a tandem dealer and had dealt with CoMo for a long time. 

There are no touring oriented LBS shops in this area at all.  If I remember correctly, CoMo would have done the entire transaction with me because there are no CoMo dealers in the area.  I don't know how much assembly a new bike needs, but I think having them ship to someone used to that type of bike rather than to me to mess it up or to me and have me work with a local LBS turned out well.  Next time I might investigate what shape a new bike comes in and decide to do it myself.  But if not, I'd rather have someone used to dealing with a bike that is a 1/2 tandem and not someone used to 1/2 lb frame with 2 spoke radial laced pizza cutters for wheels.

Offline tombrogan

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 12:27:17 pm »
CyclesafeSr, I am somewhat familiar with Hi Tec bikes in San Diego and know that they really cater to the high end racing crowd, which is what I wanted to avoid, but a 10% discount on a $4 or $5k purchase is quite an incentive!! Could you elaborate on the "muddling communications and contantly trying to BS" so I am better prepared to deal with them.

Offline DaveB

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2011, 09:25:41 am »
If I were to do it again, I'd buy direct from Co-Motion in Eugene and do away with the middle-person who muddled communications and was constantly trying to BS me.  Of course, 10% is 10%.....
Maybe the "muddled communication" was with Co-Motion too.  They are a good company and make great bikes but they don't always listen carefully. 

I dealt directly with Co-Motion and when I ordered my S&S equipped Co-Pilot frame and I was VERY specific that I did NOT want a braze-on tab for the front derailleur. Well, you guessed it.  Not only did the frame arrive with a tab installed but it wasn't even installed properly and the front derailleur wouldn't line up correctly.  A call to Co-Motion got them to pay for return shipping and the problem was corrected quickly but I had to be on top of it. 

A friend later ordered a Nor'wester from them and had a similar miscommunication.   His comment was; "It's a very nice bike but these people could $%*#-up an order for a donut and coffee."   Again, Co-Motion corrected the problem quickly and with no difficulty but, as I mentioned, they don't always listen the first time.

Offline Tourista829

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2011, 09:50:41 pm »
I agree with DaveB, dealing with Comotion is interesting. I spoke to Comotion and they misquoted me on changing from barcons to STI shifters, in my favor, and my LBS honored the price! After you are measured, you should see if they have a frame, that someone had changed their mind, in your size, and you could get at a good price. They may even have some with S&S couplers. I was able to get a show bike, that they built for the Interbike Show and I saved almost 1k. There may be better bikes out there but the NW Tour I have, does so many things well. It is a delight to ride, fully loaded, mile after mile.

Offline BrianW

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2011, 12:16:12 pm »
As mentioned, any LBS should be able to work with Co-Motion, even if they aren't an official "stocking" dealer. On the occasions I've had to deal with the Co-Motion factory they've been really good. I'm surprised to hear otherwise. Sometimes you'll even get Dwan, the owner, answering the phone.

If anyone is interested, I'm getting ready to sell my Co-Motion Nor'wester Sport frame. Beautiful red paint with vanilla-colored panels, in excellent condition. Sloping top-tube design, with about 30" +/- standover height (varies due to sloping top tube). Steel fork. Really pretty and nice-riding frame. Only selling because I bought the same thing with S&S couplers installed. E-mail me for more details.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 10:28:03 am by briwasson »

Offline Louisd75

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2011, 03:41:29 pm »
While probably not listed on the Co-Motion website, Pacific Coast Cycles in Oceanside might be worth dropping in on if you're nearby.  It's definitely not your typical bike shop.  I would be surprised if you found any shops in southern CA stocking Co-Motions, but I know he can order them and do a good job of making sure you're getting the right size.  If you actually want to test ride one beforehand, you might have to make a trip up to Eugene.  I've visited the factory and they are great people (I have one of their tandems).

Disclaimer:  I did work at Pacific Coast Cycles back around the turn of this century for a few years when I lived in the area.


Offline Tourista829

Re: Co-Motion dealers in Southern California
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2011, 06:06:14 pm »
Although definately not Southern Cal., Gold Country Cyclery 3830 Dividend Dr. Shingle Springs, Ca 95682
530 676-3395 They are a big Comotion Dealer and may have a Comotion or three to ride, and a lot closer than Eugene. They are a unique shop too.