Author Topic: Wi Fi and charging points on GD  (Read 6716 times)

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Offline Lowly Swale

Wi Fi and charging points on GD
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:59:19 am »
I am planning GDMBR this summer and probably will have an I-phone as camera and communication device. Roaming charges for a European might mean the network connection will be switched off except in emergencies and what is the coverage like anyway? What I wanted to ask about is,
How common are Wi Fi sites and re-charging points for campers? It would be least stuff to carry if I could charge by USB port but should I carry a mains adaptor too? If I get an unlocked phone could you suggest which sim card and networks might be best to buy over there?

Offline staehpj1

Re: Wi Fi and charging points on GD
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2011, 07:43:18 am »
I am planning GDMBR this summer and probably will have an I-phone as camera and communication device. Roaming charges for a European might mean the network connection will be switched off except in emergencies and what is the coverage like anyway? What I wanted to ask about is,
How common are Wi Fi sites and re-charging points for campers? It would be least stuff to carry if I could charge by USB port but should I carry a mains adaptor too? If I get an unlocked phone could you suggest which sim card and networks might be best to buy over there?
I have not done the GDBR, but will say that coverage in the areas near it that I have toured was spotty.  Batteries die quickly when a phone is searching for a signal so I always leave the phone off except when using it.  I will suggest that if choosing a provider Verizon is head and shoulders better than the competition coverage wise.

I'll let someone else comment about charging and WiFi access specifically on the GDBR.  I will say that in general I was surprised how frequently I have found WiFi access in small western towns.  I will also say that if you stop at restaurants at all you can usually plug in a charger while you eat.  In towns, if there is a pavilion there is often an electrical outlet.  How frequently that happens on the GDBR I can't say.

Offline Susan

Re: Wi Fi and charging points on GD
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2011, 01:28:05 am »
Re SIM card for unlocked phone, I suggest you check here:

Coming from Germany, I've had the card sent to the motel I stayed at upon arrival and activated it then.  Since I mainly text my family (due to time difference), I picked a provider that had good rates for international texting.  On the Sierra Cascade the coverage (Red Pocket Mobile runs on AT&T net) was a little spotty but overall good enough.  As Staeph says, it's probably even spottier on the GD.  I've also heard that Verizon has best coverage, but at the time they were way too expensive for international texting. 
Happy trails!  Susan