Author Topic: Cadence Question  (Read 13227 times)

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Offline csykes

Re: Cadence Question
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2011, 10:50:39 pm »
I for one don't obsess about cadence, I also mix it up on some rides.  I found that once I had a computer with that function and paid attention to it, I have become a more efficient rider.  It's a good a tool but I don't look at it continuously, as I now normally pedal at a faster rate than I did when I was a lot younger. Riding with a higher cadence has helped me with my usual club ride, but I was not sure if it was normal for touring.

Offline paddleboy17

Re: Cadence Question
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2011, 12:42:25 pm »
I have always been told to keep things above 80, or else I would damage the soft tissue in my knees.

So that is how I ride my road bikes.  Turns out my best performance is 85-90, but your results will differ.  So if you can't carry at least 80 on your touring bike, then you need lower gears.  You might need to put mountain bike gearing on your touring bike to make things work.

I have a cadence meter on both road bikes, and check it as I feel a need.  Keeping a written record seems overkill.

Offline SweetLou

Re: Cadence Question
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2011, 11:13:08 pm »
My cadence doesn't change when touring or just out for a ride. Though, my speed does.

I don't think cadence matters a lot, as long as you are not mashing a high gear. I have a pretty high cadence, usually between 110 and 120. I use a smaller gear than my buddies, but I go just as fast. This is my natural cadence and it is much nicer on my knees. I tried using a higher gear and lower cadence and my knee would hurt the next day.

The two biggest "mistakes" made by new riders is too low of a saddle and pushing too big a gear. Both of these can cause knee problems and wear you out faster. I think if you are above 80 and are comfortable, you will find a good cadence for yourself. You won't need to track it much, it will just come natural to you.