Author Topic: Florida in December - lodging and other questions  (Read 5134 times)

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Offline WildcatCove

Florida in December - lodging and other questions
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:05:18 pm »
Dear fellow cyclists,

We are planning a 2-week circle trip in mid-December beginning in Miami, down through the Keys, ferry to Ft. Myers, across to Ft. Lauderdale, south to Miami (using ACA maps). Neither of us has been to Florida before. We have lots of questions!

First, camping vs. hotels/hostels/"camping style" cabins. Is it feasible to think of camping in alligator country? Will we need to make reservations if we stay in hotels or hostels? (We'd prefer to keep our itinerary on the loosely-scheduled side, so don't want to get too boxed in by pre-reserved lodgings.)
Cost of lodging?

Weather? Anything we should know? Sounds like southern Florida is pretty mild in December.

Any other Florida travel tips for cyclists would be great!

Thank you,
Noreen and Bob


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Re: Florida in December - lodging and other questions
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2010, 06:33:14 pm »
>>Is it feasible to think of camping in alligator country>>

I wouldn't fret much over the alligators. They simply aren't prone to pursuing large prey up onto dry land. Now, about that moonlight swim out in the Glades...

Reservations might be needed in the peak winter season and you can expect prices to be rather high.

As for the weather, December generally offers mild and comfortable conditions. It can be a bit windy, though, depending on the passage of cold fronts. Any rain would most likely be short-lived.

You'll want to check the schedule of the ferry boat. In past years, it has always arrived in Fort Myers late in the evening - possibly after dark. You may want to make lodging plans in advance for that day.

The Lake Okeechobee area can offer some pleasant cycling. Portions of the dike are paved and very nice! The surrounding roads aren't too bad either.

Offline WildcatCove

Re: Florida in December - lodging and other questions
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2010, 12:49:27 pm »
Thanks for the reassurance about camping, and the tip on pre-arranging lodging in Fort Myers.

If there are any online travel journals, blogs, or books you think would be helpful, please send us the links.

Thanks again,
Noreen and Bob

Offline CMajernik

Re: Florida in December - lodging and other questions
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2010, 10:58:20 am »
Go to for online cycling journals.
Carla Majernik
Routes and Mapping Program Director

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x218, 406/721-8754 fax

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline Tourista829

Re: Florida in December - lodging and other questions
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2010, 10:45:49 pm »
Lucky13 gave you some very good advice. I believe the winds in December will be in your favor coming generally from the North on your Miami to Keywest Route. I am not sure if the Ferry runs on their regular schedule, but it is in season. I also believe the Marco Island Ferry starts up then. I would call them, Key West Express (888) 539 2628 Departs Key West 6pm arrives Ft. Myers Beach 9:30pm $85.50 per person one way. Weather can get chilly at night, in December. Into the 30-40's. Appropriate gear will make a difference. No rain. As to the Glades, stay away from camping near canals. Alligators have about a 50 ft territorial area. Always treat them with a healthy respect. I have never had problems with them or snakes, but we have had people dumping big python snakes into the Everglades. I have only done the Glades via Route 27, I would do some research and maybe those that have taken your proposed route via 441 Tamiami Trail would venture a comment. You will have a great trip!!! Bob

Offline bobsriverride

Re: Florida in December - lodging and other questions
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 03:22:20 pm »
I am going to do much the same trip next Feb. ('12) and wonder if you did use the ACA map route, and if so, any hints.  I'll be leaving from Ft. Myers, going across and then down the east side of Fl to Key West, then back by Ferry to Ft. Myers or Naples.  Really curious about the road conditions across the state, west to east.  Thanks.

bob colvin