Author Topic: Pacific coast route (from SF to Seattle) : too dangerous in July/August?  (Read 6392 times)

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Offline lud


I'm a French cyclist, planning to visit my brother in San Francisco this summer. And I was thinking of cycling the coast from San Francisco up to Seattle. But, after exchanging with my brother and having a look at the itinerary thanks to Google Maps, I 'm afraid that the roads might be a bit dangerous because of the summer traffic and the narrowness of the roads, especially as the summer season is the season of big RV vehicles.
What do you think?


Offline HONDO

I think the safety will depend on the bicycle awareness of the drivers you encounter. My friend and I drove a car up the coast from San Fran a few years ago and after a short bit I was all over him about driving too fast and too close to the blind side turns. Himself not being a cyclist was totally ignorant of the space needed to safely pass a cyclist without causing a mishap. Having said that I say just be aware of the traffic as you ride just like anywhere else.

Offline rvklassen


I'm a French cyclist, planning to visit my brother in San Francisco this summer. And I was thinking of cycling the coast from San Francisco up to Seattle. But, after exchanging with my brother and having a look at the itinerary thanks to Google Maps, I 'm afraid that the roads might be a bit dangerous because of the summer traffic and the narrowness of the roads, especially as the summer season is the season of big RV vehicles.
What do you think?


If you like headwinds, go ahead.  This route is famous for its reliable winds - from Seattle to San Francisco.  If you can start in Seattle, rather than starting in San Francisco, you'll almost certainly have a better time of it.

Offline staehpj1

If you like headwinds, go ahead.  This route is famous for its reliable winds - from Seattle to San Francisco.  If you can start in Seattle, rather than starting in San Francisco, you'll almost certainly have a better time of it.
+1 on the winds.

On the traffic, I guess it depends on how traffic tolerant you are, but I wouldn't worry.  it is a very popular route for cyclists so chances are good that most drivers are used to seeing cyclists.

Offline valygrl

+2 on winds, go the other way, or start in SF and head south.  Don't ride during the July 4th holiday.  Other than that, go for it!

Offline lud

thanks for the info : i checked the prevailing winds, and indeed, it should be a lot easier cycling a southbound route
Maybe, i 'll fly to Anchorage , cycle a bit in Alaska, and then , take the alaska marine highway, and endly, ride the pacific coast route from vancouver to San Fran.