Author Topic: Salsa Fargo or Novara Safari for first timer planning South 2 North America trip  (Read 8029 times)

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Offline Floripabiker

I would like to buy a bike here in the states to travel around the eastern USA and then in September start a trip from Argentina to Canada. I prefer dirt to concrete and plan on traveling light.
Which one of these bikes would you choose?
There is considerable price difference..
All comments are valid.
Thank you for your time!

Offline Mark Manley

I have just Googled Salsa Fargo and came up with this from this very forum,

Offline jsieber

All of the people that I know with Salsa Fargo's absolutely love them!

I have just Googled Salsa Fargo and came up with this from this very forum,

Offline EnduroDoug

Just built up Fargos for my wife and I for extended world trip. I liked the Novara Safari, but it's really heavy and I wanted to spec the bike my own. As far as I know you can'get a Safari frame separately.

Thumbs up!