Author Topic: Carson Pass contingency plan  (Read 4726 times)

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Offline vtmidlifer

Carson Pass contingency plan
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:58:56 pm »
Hi all,
I'm starting the Western Express from San Fran on May 11. This year's snowpack has made me concerned about the need to get over Carson Pass and back down in one day to where I might find some camping. I understand there are still 10 feet of snow up there, and although route 88 will be plowed, there is a 60 mile stretch with no services. I'd like to give myself some backup options in case I find my legs aren't yet up to doing it in one day. If I were to find myself in that stretch with no services and it was getting late, are there any places where it would be possible to pitch a tent, even if it meant carving out a spot in the snow (hopefully somewhere with less than 10 feet)? I will have the gear and do have winter camping experience, I'm just not familiar with the area, and could use any advice you might have about the most feasible backup options on or near route 88.


Offline CMajernik

Re: Carson Pass contingency plan
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 12:24:36 pm »
There are services over Carson Pass, though they may not be open. I suggest you call the ones that are listed on the map before you leave to find out what is available. As for camping, I think as long as you avoid private property, pull yourself off the roadside and be discreet, and pick up after yourself it shouldn't be a problem. You will be traveling through national forest land.
Carla Majernik
Routes and Mapping Program Director

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x218, 406/721-8754 fax

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline cgarch

Re: Carson Pass contingency plan
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2011, 11:23:27 am »
Just an FYI, US 50 over Echo Summit is closed for a couple of weeks while they do some rock work at the summit. The detours will dump a lot more traffic on CA 88. More here: WWW.WAY2TAHOE.COM