Author Topic: Which 26" tires would you use for Prudhoe Bay to Mexico via the GDBMR?  (Read 9480 times)

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Offline tombrogan

Which 26" tires would you use for Prudhoe Bay to Mexico via the GDBMR? There is about 2100 miles of pavement between the end of the gravel Dalton Highway and Banff for the start of the GDMBR. Use one set of tires such as the Marathon Dureme or Extreme? Or change to something like the Supreme in Fairbanks for the 2K miles of pavement to Banff and the start of the GDMBR?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 11:40:55 am by tombrogan »

Offline Trek950

Marathon XR is ideal. fit and forget!

Offline tombrogan

It might be "ideal" if it was still available.

Offline Tourista829

I like Schwalbe Tires. I have Maralton Plus and I know I will jinx myself but I have yet to get a flat. Great tires!!!!