Author Topic: Need info. on the 1976 bicentennial ride..anyone on here that made that journey?  (Read 16842 times)

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Offline llong

I would like to get in touch with anyone who made the 1976 bicentennial ride.  I grew up just outside of Eminence, Mo out on 106 hwy along Shawnee Creek.  I have wonderful memories of the summer of 1976.  My two older sisters and myself, along with a couple neighbors girls set up a lemonade/cookie stand down by the creek and would eagerly wait for the bikers to come along.  The 1976 route went right by our house that sat along the banks of Shawnee Creek.  We had several bikers who would stop and visit/swim in the creek to get cooled off and yes, even purchase a cold cup of lemonade and chocolate nobake cookie from the barefoot country gals of south Missouri.  It was such a good experience for us and makin' a few cents for each of us was extra nice.  One of the bikers even gave us a frisbee...which was so special at the time.  I have 3 children now, youngest is soon to be 18.  But, when my children were little I would sit and tell them stories of all of the adventures of growing up on Shawnee. They would always ask..."momma, won't you please tell us stories of when you were a little girl"  I am 42 now and the memories are still vivid and special to me of that summer that so many bikers came through.   I am in the process of writing all of my little stories down to make a little booklet for my children.  Whew, now that I've probably over explained....I have a question......Is there anyone on here that was on that ride and remembers stopping at Shawnee Creek  or do you know how I could go about finding anyone who took that trip?  Thank you, Lisa

Offline tsvik76

Hello Lisa,
I'm from Europe, I made the full trip in 1976, I'm sure I came along the position of your stand at Shawnee Creek on the Salem Plateau of the Ozark Mountains.
I rode a white roadracing bicycle with a black saddle bag.
Since there were only a few stands along the whole of the TransAm trail, it must have been yours that I remember. I also slept that night in a motel in the neighborhood, probably Summersville or Houston.
The next day I ended up in Springfield at the University campus in a fierce shower at the end of that day (I did 80 to 100 miles a day).
As I remember well, which is very difficult after so long time, I stopped at the stand, but it was so crowded at that moment, that I took off again after a few minutes or maybe I took some water.
In about the same pace as I travelled alone from East to West, a mixed group of British youngsters, also on roadracing bikes went in the same direction, they also had a support van behind them. It probably were them at your stand at that time.
I met up with this group again the next day, in the terrible shower they had lost one another and I could tell them where most of them were in hiding, while I carried along.  After all, I met them again at the University that night.
This all happened around the first of July.
In Springfield I lost a day repairing my bike, shoes and racingtrousers.
The British group I encountered again after many weeks in a hostel near Missoula Montana.
You must have had at least 2,000 cyclists passing your stand there in about one month time, at least 50 a day. Did you ever get the compliments of the organisation for your initiative ?
I remenber only one other stand on the trail. That was between Dubois and the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.
Greetings to you and your family,
Hans Kornalijnslijper
the Hague.

Offline Jabez

I do remember stopping at a stand in that area.
I will check my notes and try to get back to you.

Offline atelieradr

1FTAWK51976....which means 1st fast transam west to east, camping, left Reedsport, OR on May 19th, 1976. I was from Springfield, Mo at the time...didn't notice a lemonade stand!! Wanted to say howdy to a local Ozark girl!! I was in a hurry going through there since I took a side trip to see my girlfriend for a day in Springfield and then had to catch back up to my group!!!