Author Topic: Alternate Southern Tier Routing Between Ocotillo, CA and Globe, AZ  (Read 8009 times)

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Offline BikingBrian

Instead of getting from Ocotillo, CA to Globe, AZ via the ST routing of Blythe, CA and Phoenix, AZ - has anyone had experience using Calexico, Yuma, Gila Bend, Maricopa, Florence as an alternate?  I found this blog where they had done parts of that route.

Twitter: @BikingBrian

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Alternate Southern Tier Routing Between Ocotillo, CA and Globe, AZ
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 12:43:02 pm »
Yes, I have. I used interstates 10 and 8. NM and AZ were unreasonably rough and debris strewn on their interstates, but it was easily enough doable. Most likely, ACA's route would conduct cyclists over a much more forgiving surface than you might find on the interstates. Not all of it through AZ is interstate. The road into Ocatillo would be the most decripit stretch of patchwork maybe you have ever seen, but again it is doable. All in all, the interstates are really not such forbidding articles for a man on a transcontinental bicycling adventure. It is also agreed that more suitable routes are available. Necessary supplies are available, though you might have to guard against getting caught in the convenience store trap. The CST is not knowing what's available at future stops, and finding yourself eating convenience store non-food for days on end till you can find something resembling a restaurant or a genuine grocery store. Yuma is OK to cycle. I have cycled through there a number of times without incident. You can go the interstate route and off the iterstate where you can or must.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Alternate Southern Tier Routing Between Ocotillo, CA and Globe, AZ
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2011, 11:53:17 am »
Instead of getting from Ocotillo, CA to Globe, AZ via the ST routing of Blythe, CA and Phoenix, AZ - has anyone had experience using Calexico, Yuma, Gila Bend, Maricopa, Florence as an alternate?  I found this blog where they had done parts of that route.

Twitter: @BikingBrian

I just looked at your journal on CGOAB. Very very cool. I too have taken that route you were on, and I too got caught in a nasty electrical storm, this one on High Island. I am still trying to figure out how I survived that one. That area was mosquito central, almost as bad as south Florida in the 1950s and 60s. That was one hell of a trip. It was nice. I believe the name of the ferry boat was Greer. I have a detailed journal of that crossing, and it it packed away.