Author Topic: Logistics with Kids  (Read 12976 times)

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Offline micohen

Logistics with Kids
« on: July 06, 2011, 01:39:06 am »
For a number of years now, we have enjoyed a bike touring trip on Lopez Island, WA (highly recommended).  The problem is that my kids are getting big (7 and 4), but not big enough to carry their own stuff or to pedal solo.

Previously, we did:
-myself, the youngest in a bike seat, and a burley trailer
-my wife, the oldest on our tag along, and panniers

The youngest is now just barely capable of riding on the tag along.  So my idea is:
-myself, the youngest on a tag along, and a burley trailer (not too excited about this, but the distance to the campground is not horrible)
-my wife, the oldest on our tag along, and panniers

I'm just wondering if anyone else has ideas or suggestions.  Although I tandem for my wife and the oldest sounds fun, I would need a crank extender, new roof rack, etc.
