Author Topic: Suggestions for early-October bike tour?  (Read 5574 times)

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Offline karatechop

Suggestions for early-October bike tour?
« on: July 21, 2011, 01:47:45 pm »
I'm looking for suggestions for a good spot to bike tour during the first two weeks of October.

I'll be in southeastern WA at the end of September, then have two weeks budgeted for a bike tour. We'll have car + bikes, so we do not need to start our tour from WA.

We originally planned to ride the western half of the Washington Parks loop, but that's before our tour got pushed back to October. Our main concern about WA Parks in October is the possibility of snow in mountain passes. My second concern is that it will be 35-40 degrees and rainy - not exactly my preferred riding conditions on a vacation! Are these concerns misguided?

We're looking for somewhere scenic with possibilities for a few good day hikes or paddles. We don't mind cooler weather (we're from Minnesota), but would prefer to avoid cold rain and snow. One idea we had is the Utah Cliffs route. Any other suggestions for tours in the Western US? Thanks!

Offline aggie

Re: Suggestions for early-October bike tour?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 08:04:46 pm »
If you want some off road the Utah Cliffs loop is a great ride.  If you want to do all road riding you can make a loop that encompasses Zion, Bryce, and Capitol Reef National Parks.  You may even be able to get in Canyonlands and Moab.  Other than a lot of chipseal the roads are pretty good.  I did a loop like this several years ago and it was awesome.

Offline jim623mo

Re: Suggestions for early-October bike tour?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2011, 11:09:35 am »
Friends in recreation planning tell me that the Katy Trail in Missouri is at its best in October.

Offline paddleboy17

Re: Suggestions for early-October bike tour?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2011, 01:10:54 pm »
Friends in recreation planning tell me that the Katy Trail in Missouri is at its best in October.

I rode the Katy some years back in late October.  As I recall the camping was soggy in spots, and trail side services closed October 31st.  It was a good ride, and my buddies and I had a good time.  I can post links to a CGOAB blog if you want to see pictures from my trip.  The Katy is ~225 miles long, so may be not long enough if want to devote 2 weeks to it.