I've raced the great divide mountain bike route twice and have done countless road trips across the country. To ask me "what's the point?" for just wanting to set a record across such a thing is nearly identical to the person who went about setting a record on the great divide mountain bike route back in 99. I've done enough self-discovery and searching in the wilderness and less traveled parts of the United States. What I'm trying to do is blaze my own path, and it's certainly not going to be blazed at a touring pace. I know I am racer inquiring about a touring route and that I am the black sheep in this forum, deal with it folks! I am not surprised there is no known record for the trans am, but let it be known there is a sub 18 day record for the great divide mountain bike route. My butt moves quite consistently and solidly on pavement and being as the trans am starts/ends in my home state of oregon and goes through my original hometown of Fair Grove, MO, it seems like the perfect route for a record attempt. I am well aware of RAAM but it's format is not my cup of tea, the trans am is a beautiful route which I have biked/driven/lived on chunks of and I'm mostly sure it's my calling to set a record on it. I am dead serious, if anyone has any knowledge of a record on it, please let me know. I am guessing it's a route no one has really considered yet for racing and that leads me even more to believe that I am heading in the right direction. I will save my touring days for when I pass 40/50, but I'm only 29 and I've got some energy to burn.