Author Topic: Viewing this forum on a mobile device  (Read 3988 times)

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Offline oldschool

Viewing this forum on a mobile device
« on: July 26, 2011, 11:20:43 pm »
Thought I'd share this with everyone in case it wasn't widely known.

I found on my last cycle trip I was often viewing this forum (particularly the Temporary Route Road Closures section) from my mobile device (an iPhone). I suspect there are plenty other folk out there on the road using similar mobile devices to check this forum.

A bit of googling lead me to discover that if you add ?wap or ?wap2 or ?imode to the end of the url (I have the forum home page bookmarked) then the SMF forum will render as a mobile version. No bells and whistles mind you - its very basic. But for most purposes it works pretty well.

For example:

becomes (pick your favourite!) or or

Maybe you'll find this more useful for checking the forum on the road...?