Author Topic: Forum keeps forgetting my password.  (Read 7735 times)

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Offline Bicycle Rider

Forum keeps forgetting my password.
« on: August 01, 2011, 05:36:53 pm »
I have had to use the "forgot your password" option twice today, and I typed in the exact same password both times, succesfully. Since I didn't get a "password already in use" notice and the password is being entered by Windows I know it isn't my error. Is anyone else getting this?
May you always have the winds at your back, and a low enough gear for the grades


  • Guest
Re: Forum keeps forgetting my password.
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 08:53:19 pm »
I have not heard this from others, neither today nor in the past. It's your browser that saves the password, not Windows, so you might try a different browser. I use Firefox. Sometimes I type a wrong password the first time, which Firefox remembers. When I correct it on a second try, Firefox pops up a question about whether to update its saved password. Could this be what happened to you?


Offline o2tour

Re: Forum keeps forgetting my password.
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 10:21:11 am »
It happen to me yesterday. Must be happening to the one star people.


  • Guest
Re: Forum keeps forgetting my password.
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 11:31:23 am »
Hah! the number of stars is simply a measure of how many posts you have made, probably not a factor.

Clearly, though, something has changed. I will drop a note to John Sieber, our administrator. Could you two please post what browser and version you are using? That would probably help John. Thanks!


Offline jsieber

Re: Forum keeps forgetting my password.
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2011, 12:07:06 pm »
Sorry about the issues you are experiencing "Bicycle Rider" and "o2kayak". There are two possible ways to save your authentication credentials for the forums. The forum software will set a browser cookie that will keep you logged in for the amount of time that you specify. The screenshot below shows these options. If you do not allow cookies or use some type of browser add on or software to manage or delete cookies it could cause the issues that you are describing.

The other possibility is that you are allowing your browser to save the username and password and populate it into the login form when you arrive at the forums. Browsers save this information based on the domain name of the site and it is possible that you could run into problems if you also have an account on our main site that is different than the account credentials that you have for the forum. In this situation your browser may load the credentials that it saved for your MyACA account from the main site instead of the account info for the forums. This is something that we would like to address in the future, but do not have a specific timeline at the moment.

I typically use the first method to save my forum credentials and have not had any issues since we have been running the current forum software. Hope this helps to clear up the issues you are experiencing!

Offline Bicycle Rider

Re: Forum keeps forgetting my password.
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2011, 02:27:54 pm »
Hah! the number of stars is simply a measure of how many posts you have made, probably not a factor.

Clearly, though, something has changed. I will drop a note to John Sieber, our administrator. Could you two please post what browser and version you are using? That would probably help John. Thanks!


Last time I reset my password I also checked the "forever" selection, so when I came on today (from an e-mail notification) I was already signed in. So it remembered me to that extent at least.

And to the member who asked, I'm on Win IE. I tried Firefox a few months ago when a mamber on another forum recommended it, and ended up having to have my entire hard drive wiped clean because it locked everything up to the extent that even the guy at the repair shop couldn't get anything to work again. So you can imagine what my opinion of Firef*x is.
May you always have the winds at your back, and a low enough gear for the grades