Author Topic: Looking to travel from Richmond, VA to Breaks, VA or Elkhorn City - thoughts?  (Read 4420 times)

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Offline eseltzer

I am looking to the the east bound route of the TransAmerica that goes through Virginia. I am trying to find a way to get myself and my bike to Breaks, VA (or close) without having to drive. I'd start the route in Breaks and and the first section I plan on doing in the Ashland, VA area which is close to where I live. I've looked into Amtrak and Greyhound but neither seem to get close to Breaks, VA. Any thoughts will be appreciated.

Offline Jambi

Elkhorn City is the only town pretty close if you can get a bus there. The Atlantic Coast route can take you from Richmond to Ashland but there isnt much out there in Breaks...