This tiny state has--with a lot of help--recovered surprisingly quickly from the Irene flood damage. As the cycling season winds down, a few of us will be finishing the Northern Tier or touring for the foliage on the NT and the Green Mountains Loop.
Some interesting numbers compiled by the Burlington Free Press and printed today:
State roads closed post-storm: 146, 140 reopened. ("Open" means passable, often unpaved, no signs, and no striping.)
State road miles closed: 532, 519 reopened.
State bridges closed: 34, 23 reopened.
State transportation workers assigned to storm respones: 700. Outside help: 349 from Maine Department of Transportation; 20 from New Hampshire Department of Transportation; 667 from six states’ National Guard units, 1,860 from 185 private contractors.
Local road segments damaged: 2,260, 175 still closed.
Local bridges damaged: 289, 90 still closed.
Northern Tier closure remaining:
SR 107 between Stockbridge and Bethel, expected to be open by Thanksgiving. NT uses the nearby parallel local Blackmer Rd, whose condition is unknown. You have two options: 1) Call the Stockton town clerk at 802-234-9371 when you are a day or two away, or 2) ride Camp Brook Rd and SR 12 between Rochester and Bethel, which are the roads used by the Green Mountains Loop.
Green Mountains Loop: All state roads open. is the best source of current closures affectin state roads. It is not complete for town roads, but state road detours are never far away.