Author Topic: Great Divide Canada - Side A - trail/road closures - 2011  (Read 4697 times)

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Offline JHamelman

Great Divide Canada - Side A - trail/road closures - 2011
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:16:28 pm »
As of July 25th, 2011, south of Banff, Goat Creek Trail is closed:

Goat Creek Trail and vicinity: Effective immediately, the Goat Creek Trail is closed from the Smith-Dorrien/Spray Road (Highway 742) to its junction with the Spray River Trail in Banff National Park. The closure is due to structural damage to the Spray River bridge which has resulted from abnormally high flows due to water diversion by TransAlta Utilities. For further information regarding water flows, please contact TransAlta at 1-877-547-3365.

This information is from the Alberta National Parks page:

We've also had a report of Spray Lakes W. Rd. being closed but cannot find confirmation.

Contact Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation for alternate routing information


« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 10:24:27 am by JMilyko »

Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
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