Author Topic: Happy New Year!  (Read 9394 times)

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Offline John Nettles

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Happy New Year!
« on: January 01, 2022, 08:20:22 am »
I would like to wish everyone a wonderful, healthy, and content 2022!
Hopefully, things will return to "normal".  For me, I am forging ahead on tours (unless governments shut down again). 

As far as our family, my wife is walking the Camino de Santiago (CdS) in Spain beginning in mid-May.  I plan to do mini-tours (1-5 days) along the CdS so that we can meet up most nights. For her, this is about 500 miles of walking.  For me, I do not know as I will probably "wing it" much of the way, depending on weather, topography, scenery, etc. Some days only 12 miles others 60.  Should be a nice trip.  Then in October, we are tentatively planning on riding from Las Vegas to Cabo San Lucas.

How about you?  Are you planning any tours in 2022 and if so, where?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2022, 08:23:27 am by John Nettles »

Offline ray b

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2022, 12:08:20 pm »
Many happy returns to you and all.
John - Many thanks for your well-written and thoughtful insights on bicycling and the good example you set.
“A good man always knows his limitations.”

Online canalligators

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2022, 01:44:31 pm »
I’m finally making the opportunity for an epic tour.  The longest tour I’ve taken to date is three weeks. This year, I’m on the Trans Am Westward AC tour.  I have almost all my gear and mods done, and Amtrak reservations to Williamsburg an home from Eugene.  I have yet to make a jersey, reinforce my rack, get a footprint for my Quarter Dome tent, and build a front wheel.

Offline OHRider

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2022, 05:42:19 pm »
Happy New Years John!  Sounds like the Camino will be a great adventure.  You'll have lots of time to explore while your wife is walking- we look forward to hearing about it.

For next year, I'm considering doing the West Virginia Adventure Cycling route with maybe some variations to add to the gravel.  My wife and I may repeat the GAP trail with some friends; I'd also like to complete the C&O Canal trip.

A couple of fantasy trips I would like to do- a tour of Lake Superior that starts with a ferry ride from Copper Harbor, MI to Isle Royale a couple days camping there, then another ferry ride to the western shore of Lake Superior.  From there, ride back along the shore to Copper Harbor.  I think this is about 600 miles and I've seen some similar routes that others have taken.

The second bucket list ride would again take a ferry- across Lake Michigan with a ride to the Oskosh Experimental Air Show.  Camp a couple of nights and see the airshow and experimental airplanes.

Offline HobbesOnTour

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2022, 06:16:54 pm »
Happy New Year, John and all.

Unlike most I've actually been "on tour" for a little over two years including a year "de-toured" in México due to closed borders in an attempt to get from Virginia to Patagonia.

I've made it as far as southern Colombia but couldn't cross into Ecuador a few weeks ago. It's confusing even now if I'm permitted to cross but the Colombians have extended my visitor permit to March and then I'll probably head home to Europe. In the meantime I get to explore more of this fabulous cycling country.

A happy and safe touring year to all.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2022, 07:01:11 pm »
I’m finally making the opportunity for an epic tour.  The longest tour I’ve taken to date is three weeks. This year, I’m on the Trans Am Westward AC tour. 
I have done over 75k miles of loaded touring over my 45 years of touring.  The TA is still my favorite route.  You will enjoy it!

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2022, 07:08:17 pm »
The second bucket list ride would again take a ferry- across Lake Michigan with a ride to the Oskosh Experimental Air Show.  Camp a couple of nights and see the airshow and experimental airplanes.
About a decade(?) ago, I was riding from LaCrosse to Buffalo and ended up in the Oskosh area during the Air Show.  I had no idea what the show was or that it was even going on and how big of an event it was and how hard it was to find a place to stay.  Since I had not booked camping for that night, finding a place to stay was not easy.  Finally, had the 3rd or 4th CG allowed me to pitch a tent next to the master propane tank  :o .  While there, met a couple who offered to take me into town to see the show and have dinner.  On the way in, one of the planes had to make an emergency landing on the highway we were on.  The plane landed maybe a minute or two ahead of us tops.  Got stuck in traffic for about 20+ minutes while they dealt with it.

My suggestion is to book the campground/motel early (now) and then keep an eye on the skies for falling planes.

Offline BikePacker

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2022, 09:08:33 am »
How about you?  Are you planning any tours in 2022 and if so, where?
Thanks John.
Happy New Year wishes to John & all.
Blue Ridge Parkway / Skyline Drive.

Offline OHRider

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2022, 10:18:45 am »
The second bucket list ride would again take a ferry- across Lake Michigan with a ride to the Oskosh Experimental Air Show.  Camp a couple of nights and see the airshow and experimental airplanes.
My suggestion is to book the campground/motel early (now) and then keep an eye on the skies for falling planes.

Good point on booking the campground early. I've checked into it before and they have camping available on the airport but I'm sure it fills up quickly. The optimal way is to fly in and camp under the wing of your airplane (if you have access to one).  Pretty cool you saw and airplane make a forced landing on the highway. I was able to make a day trip up there from Chicago a couple decades ago - it is a huge event and would be a perfect place to have a bike. 

I'm considering some knee surgery this year- can ride fine but walking any distance is not pleasant- so I'm not in a position to make any commitments quite yet.  I'll hopefully have a better view of the year by the end of the month.

Offline HikeBikeCook

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Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2022, 07:49:48 am »
Happy New Year to all and thanks for all of the great advice and insight into long distance bike touring.

I still have the TransAm on my calendar using the Eastern Express with a May 15th start from DC, if we are not shutdown again.
Surly Disc Trucker, Lightspeed Classic, Scott Scale, Klein Mantra Comp. First touring bike Peugeot U08 - 1966

Offline BikeliciousBabe

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2022, 09:52:30 am »
get a footprint for my Quarter Dome tent

I simply use a blue plastic tarp as my QD footprint.  Stores on the rear parallel to the bike.  Tent goes on top. The tarp basically acts like a partial fender.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2022, 12:16:36 pm »
get a footprint for my Quarter Dome tent

I simply use a blue plastic tarp as my QD footprint.  Stores on the rear parallel to the bike.  Tent goes on top. The tarp basically acts like a partial fender.
I stopped using a footprint or ground sheet.  I found that I never wore out the floors of my tents.  I may be easier on tent floors than most though.  I kick off shoes on the way in and crawl right into/onto my sleeping bag or pad.  I tend to settle right in and am either reading of sleeping when in the tent.

I figure that if I ever did cause wear on the floor I'd patch and recoat as needed.  At some point I'd use a groundsheet inside the tent if I ever needed to.  All that is moot though because my tent floors tend to still be pristine when the tent is retired for some other reason.

Offline Soulboy#1

Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2022, 03:56:01 am »
Happy new year!