Author Topic: Multiple memory cards  (Read 8907 times)

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Offline gtofrada

Multiple memory cards
« on: September 25, 2006, 04:34:16 pm »
Have 60Csx with a 1Gb memorycard;Have City Select.  Want to follow parts of the Transamerica ACA route, deviate from it  to cross NE, IA, Il, and in IN go south to pick up ACA route from KY to VA, there use ACA Atlantic route to SC.  Is it possible to load three sets of information on three different memory cards and swap out cards when I complete one part of the ride?  Does the 1000 waypoint limitation prevent a new set of waypoints for each card -- assuming I can swap out cards?




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Multiple memory cards
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2006, 10:49:33 pm »
Hi Doug,

Yes, you can swap cards to load different map sets, although I doubt you will have to. City Select for a cross-country route should fit into a single 1-GB card with room to spare. The MapSource program can tell you. Download the GPS routes from the Adventure Cycling web site. Open each MPS file in MapSource and select all the routes on the Routes tab of the left pane. Right click and choose Select Maps Around Routes. Switch to the Maps tab and read the size at the bottom of the pane. Be sure to check "Include route calculation data" there.

I just did that here for the entire TransAmerica main route and got 83 MB with City Select. The larger map segments of the newer CS versions will require more memory than this.

Waypoint storage is separate, using the built-in memory and limited to 1000 points. We discussed how to deal with that in the "GPS with complete southern tier waypoints" thread.
